Word Embedding Models in API

A lot of embedding models take a few minutes to load, and it would be desirable for such a model to be loaded in the memory first. It is why such an API has been developed.

Model Preloading

To preload the model, use the script WordEmbedAPI provided. In the command-line shell / Terminal, type:

` > WordEmbedAPI /path/to/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz `

After a few minutes, it will be loaded.

For details about using WordEmbedAPI, please refer to: Console Scripts .

Class for Preloaded Model

After the model is loaded, it can be used like other word-embedding models using RESTfulKeyedVectors:

` >>> import shorttext >>> wmodel = shorttext.utils.wordembed.RESTfulKeyedVectors('http://localhost', port='5000') `

This model can be used like other gensim KeyedVectors.

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