Word Embedding Models in API ============================ A lot of embedding models take a few minutes to load, and it would be desirable for such a model to be loaded in the memory first. It is why such an API has been developed. Model Preloading ---------------- To preload the model, use the script `WordEmbedAPI` provided. In the command-line shell / Terminal, type: ``` > WordEmbedAPI /path/to/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz ``` After a few minutes, it will be loaded. For details about using `WordEmbedAPI`, please refer to: :doc:`scripts` . Class for Preloaded Model ------------------------- After the model is loaded, it can be used like other word-embedding models using `RESTfulKeyedVectors`: ``` >>> import shorttext >>> wmodel = shorttext.utils.wordembed.RESTfulKeyedVectors('http://localhost', port='5000') ``` This model can be used like other `gensim` `KeyedVectors`. .. autoclass:: shorttext.utils.wordembed.RESTfulKeyedVectors :members: Home: :doc:`index`