Deep Neural Networks with Word-Embedding ======================================== Wrapper for Neural Networks for Word-Embedding Vectors ------------------------------------------------------ In this package, there is a class that serves a wrapper for various neural network algorithms for supervised short text categorization: :class:`shorttext.classifiers.VarNNEmbeddedVecClassifier`. Each class label has a few short sentences, where each token is converted to an embedded vector, given by a pre-trained word-embedding model (e.g., Google Word2Vec model). The sentences are represented by a matrix, or rank-2 array. The type of neural network has to be passed when training, and it has to be of type :class:`keras.models.Sequential`. The number of outputs of the models has to match the number of class labels in the training data. To perform prediction, the input short sentences is converted to a unit vector in the same way. The score is calculated according to the trained neural network model. Some of the neural networks can be found within the module :module:`shorttext.classifiers.embed.nnlib.frameworks` and they are good for short text or document classification. Of course, users can supply their own neural networks, written in `keras`. A pre-trained Google Word2Vec model can be downloaded `here `_, and a pre-trained Facebook FastText model can be downloaded `here `_. See: :doc:`tutorial_wordembed` . Import the package: >>> import shorttext To load the Word2Vec model, >>> wvmodel = shorttext.utils.load_word2vec_model('/path/to/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz') Then load the training data >>> trainclassdict = Then we choose a neural network. We choose ConvNet: >>> kmodel = shorttext.classifiers.frameworks.CNNWordEmbed(len(trainclassdict.keys()), vecsize=300) Initialize the classifier: >>> classifier = shorttext.classifiers.VarNNEmbeddedVecClassifier(wvmodel) .. autoclass:: shorttext.classifiers.embed.nnlib.VarNNEmbedVecClassification.VarNNEmbeddedVecClassifier :members: Then train the classifier: >>> classifier.train(trainclassdict, kmodel) Epoch 1/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 1.0578 Epoch 2/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.5536 Epoch 3/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.3437 Epoch 4/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.2282 Epoch 5/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.1658 Epoch 6/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.1273 Epoch 7/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.1052 Epoch 8/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0961 Epoch 9/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0839 Epoch 10/10 45/45 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0743 Then the model is ready for classification, like: >>> classifier.score('artificial intelligence') {'mathematics': 0.57749695, 'physics': 0.33749574, 'theology': 0.085007325} The trained model can be saved: >>> classifier.save_compact_model('/path/to/nnlibvec_convnet_subdata.bin') To load it, enter: >>> classifier2 = shorttext.classifiers.load_varnnlibvec_classifier(wvmodel, '/path/to/nnlibvec_convnet_subdata.bin') .. automodule:: shorttext.classifiers.embed.nnlib.VarNNEmbedVecClassification :members: load_varnnlibvec_classifier Provided Neural Networks ------------------------ There are three neural networks available in this package for the use in :class:`shorttext.classifiers.VarNNEmbeddedVecClassifier`, and they are available in the module `shorttext.classifiers.frameworks`. .. automodule:: shorttext.classifiers.embed.nnlib.frameworks :members: ConvNet (Convolutional Neural Network) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This neural network for supervised learning is using convolutional neural network (ConvNet), as demonstrated in Kim's paper. .. image:: images/nnlib_cnn.png The function in the frameworks returns a :class:`keras.models.Sequential` or :class:`keras.models.Model`. Its input parameters are: The parameter `maxlen` defines the maximum length of the sentences. If the sentence has less than `maxlen` words, then the empty words will be filled with zero vectors. >>> kmodel = fr.CNNWordEmbed(len(trainclassdict.keys()), vecsize=wvmodel.vector_size) Double ConvNet ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This neural network is nothing more than two ConvNet layers. The function in the frameworks returns a :class:`keras.models.Sequential` or :class:`keras.models.Model`. Its input parameters are: The parameter `maxlen` defines the maximum length of the sentences. If the sentence has less than `maxlen` words, then the empty words will be filled with zero vectors. >>> kmodel = fr.DoubleCNNWordEmbed(len(trainclassdict.keys()), vecsize=wvmodel.vector_size) C-LSTM (Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This neural network for supervised learning is using C-LSTM, according to the paper written by Zhou *et. al.* It is a neural network with ConvNet as the first layer, and then followed by LSTM (long short-term memory), a type of recurrent neural network (RNN). .. image:: images/nnlib_clstm.png The function in the frameworks returns a :class:`keras.models.Sequential` or :class:`keras.models.Model`. The parameter `maxlen` defines the maximum length of the sentences. If the sentence has less than `maxlen` words, then the empty words will be filled with zero vectors. >>> kmodel = fr.CLSTMWordEmbed(len(trainclassdict.keys()), vecsize=wvmodel.vector_size) User-Defined Neural Network ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Users can define their own neural network for use in the classifier wrapped by :class:`shorttext.classifiers.VarNNEmbeddedVecClassifier` as long as the following criteria are met: - the input matrix is :class:`numpy.ndarray`, and of shape `(maxlen, vecsize)`, where `maxlen` is the maximum length of the sentence, and `vecsize` is the number of dimensions of the embedded vectors. The output is a one-dimensional array, of size equal to the number of classes provided by the training data. The order of the class labels is assumed to be the same as the order of the given training data (stored as a Python dictionary). Putting Word2Vec Model As an Input Keras Layer (Deprecated) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This functionality is removed since release 0.5.11, due to the following reasons: * `keras` changed its code that produces this bug; * the layer is consuming memory; * only Word2Vec is supported; and * the results are incorrect. Reference --------- Chunting Zhou, Chonglin Sun, Zhiyuan Liu, Francis Lau, "A C-LSTM Neural Network for Text Classification," (arXiv:1511.08630). [`arXiv `_] "CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition," Stanford Online Course. [`link `_] Nal Kalchbrenner, Edward Grefenstette, Phil Blunsom, "A Convolutional Neural Network for Modelling Sentences," *Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics*, pp. 655-665 (2014). [`arXiv `_] Tal Perry, "Convolutional Methods for Text," *Medium* (2017). [`Medium `_] Yoon Kim, "Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification," *EMNLP* 2014, 1746-1751 (arXiv:1408.5882). [`arXiv `_] Zackary C. Lipton, John Berkowitz, "A Critical Review of Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Learning," arXiv:1506.00019 (2015). [`arXiv `_] Home: :doc:`index`