Installation ============ PIP --- Package `shorttext` runs in Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. However, for Python>=3.7, the backend of keras_ cannot be Tensorflow_. To install the package in Linux or OS X, enter the following in the console: :: pip install -U shorttext It is very possible that you have to do it as root, that you have to add ``sudo`` in front of the command. On the other hand, to get the development version on Github, you can install from Github_: :: pip install -U git+ By adding ``-U`` in the command, it automatically installs the required packages. If not, you have to install these packages on your own. Backend for Keras ----------------- The package keras_ (version >= 2.0.0) uses either Tensorflow_, Theano_, or CNTK_ as the backend, while Theano is usually the default. However, it is highly recommended to use Tensorflow as the backend. Users are advised to install the backend Tensorflow_ (preferred for Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6) or Theano_ (preferred for Python 3.7) in advance. Refer to :doc:`faq` for how to switch the backend. It is also desirable if the package Cython_ has been previously installed. Possible Solutions for Installation Failures -------------------------------------------- Most developers can install `shorttext` with the instructions above. If the installation fails, you may try one (or more) of the following: 1. Installing Python-dev by typing: :: pip install -U python3-dev 2. Installing `gcc` by entering :: apt-get install libc6 .. _Github: Required Packages ----------------- - Numpy_ (Numerical Python, version >= 1.16.0) - SciPy_ (Scientific Python, version >= 1.2.0) - Scikit-Learn_ (Machine Learning in Python, version >= 0.23.0) - keras_ (Deep Learning Library for Theano and Tensorflow, version >= 2.3.0) - gensim_ (Topic Modeling for Humans, version >= 3.8.0) - Pandas_ (Python Data Analysis Library, version >= 1.0.0) - snowballstemmer_ (Snowball Stemmer, version >= 2.0.0) - TensorFlow_ (TensorFlow, version >= 2.0.0) - Joblib_ (Joblib: lightweight Python pipelining, version >= 0.14) Home: :doc:`index` .. _Cython: .. _Numpy: .. _SciPy: .. _Scikit-Learn: .. _Tensorflow: .. _Theano: .. _CNTK: .. _keras: .. _gensim: .. _Pandas: .. _snowballstemmer: .. _Joblib: